Generally Counselling for Low Self-Esteem takes approximately 16-20 sessions.
Do you experience symptoms of Low Self Esteem?
If your answers are NOT mainly "yes definitely" then counselling could be for you.
(Ref Overcoming Low Self Esteem by Melanie Fennell).
Self Esteem refers to the overall opinion we have of ourselves, how we judge or evaluate ourselves, and the value we attach to ourselves as people. Early life experiences play a part in how we adapt and learn to be who we are. Difficult experiences can contribute to low self-esteem as well as various other incidents that life can throw at us. How we think about ourselves is vital in maintaining good self-esteem.
This counselling approach helps you to find ways to overcome low self-esteem. I will help you to understand how your low self-esteem developed, and what you can do to improve it. As your Therapist I will use Cognitive Behaviour Therapy & Counselling Techniques to help you to improve your symptoms.
At the start of the counselling you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire which helps to provide a baseline regarding your current mood and symptoms, related to both Depression and Anxiety. Often a common feature for people with Low Self Esteem. I have worked with very many clients who experience low self-esteem, it is a difficult aspect of ourselves to explore and understand, particularly how our low self-esteem develops.
Once we have identified the specific tools you need to help improve your self-esteem the rewards can be life changing. By this I mean improved self-confidence and assertion skills. Improved self-awareness of unhelpful cycles that only contribute towards maintaining low self-esteem. Improved relationships and increased awareness of personal triggers that cause distress and disharmony. Improved Communication in personal and working relationships.
To find out more please call or email me.
Hazel Maxwell-Payne
Copyright © 2020 Hazel Maxwell-Payne - All Rights Reserved.
I am now reopening my practice and pleased to welcome you to face to face sessions following Covid-19 Safe Practice. I am still offering Online video conference calls via Zoom should you prefer this option.
If you are finding the Self Isolating requirements difficult it might be helpful to have one or two sessions to look at Strategies to help in this extraordinarily challenging time.